At the beginning of 2020, we all promised to work hard and make things happen this year. Everyone was so excited as if they have seen what’s coming for them.
We never know what’s next and still, we procrastinate as if we have seen the future. And today while I am writing this article we all are locked inside our homes.
Yes, this article is about epidemic Coronavirus (Covid-19).
What is Coronavirus (Covid-19)?

Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new strain that was discovered in 2019 and has not been previously identified in humans. Learn more
I don’t want to elaborate more because we all know about it. What we don’t know is how long it’s going to take for the researchers to prepare a vaccine for this virus. But till then we all have to stay inside and safe.
Did you saw that coming?
I didn’t, no one did.
But this article isn’t to scare you or to blame you.
This is about what’s next.
May be your city has been locked down and you don’t know when it’s going to be normal.
Everybody knows that Coronavirus is going to hugely impact on the economy and will change the world permanently.
Travel prohibitions, Sporting events canceled, Mass gatherings prohibited, Stock exchanges in freefall, and closed shopping malls. Get ready for the Coronavirus (Covid-19) global recession.
According to an article published on INDEPENDENT – “Coronavirus’s economic danger is exponentially greater than its health risks to the public. If the virus does directly affect your life, it is most likely to be through stopping you from going to work, forcing your employer to make you redundant, or bankrupting your business. The trillions of dollars wiped from financial markets this week will be just the beginning if our governments do not step in. And if President Trump continues to stumble in his handling of the situation, it may well affect his chances of re-election. Joe Biden, in particular, has identified Covid-19 as a weakness for Trump, promising “steady, reassuring” leadership during America’s hour of need.”
But as a photographer are you prepared for the next few months to survive? Do you have any plans? How you are going to make money?
So, here are a few things you can try while staying safe at home in this Coronavirus pandemic.
#1 Don’t Panic

After talking about recession and economic slowdown, I will still say don’t panic.
History shows that we have survived things before. All you can do is stay at home and keep yourself clean so that we can prevent the situation from getting worse.
Coronavirus will change the world and you’ll have the opportunity to create and think. So, read some good books, get some ideas it’s probably better than Netflix and Chill.
#2 Find a source to earn online

You don’t know how long you have to stay inside. But everyone has to pay their bills.
Did you plan for this?
If not, start working on it.
Find a source of online income. Try to find freelance jobs online.
You can do some graphic design work or maybe you are good at photo editing.
There are many sites like Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork for freelancers to get projects.
Or you can even sell your stock pictures online. Whatever you are good at try to find that job online and do it.
There are tons of resources you can find on google to make money online. All you have to do is find your interest and start working.
#3 Learn a new skill

Pick something that can help you in your photography business. Or maybe learn something new that can help you make some extra bucks by working at home.
You have all the time in the world right now. So, instead of going out and enjoying a summer holiday, you can focus on increasing your skill set.
#4 Bring out your best content now.

Take it like this, people are going to spend all of their days sitting at home scrolling their feed. Everyone is going to spend most of the time online. So, they need more content to watch or to read online.
It’s a great opportunity for someone who always wanted to create content whether it’s for Youtube, Blog or Instagram. Bring out your best content now.
#5 Organize your files, Clean Your PC

Before this epidemic, we all were so busy in our lives that we never had time to organize things and files and whatever mess you have. I don’t know maybe your PC is full of junk files or you have loads of unorganized images that you clicked. Maybe it’s your messy room that needs some work to clean.
Do it now, organize your files. clean your messy room. It will make you feel good and help you focus.
Take a lesson from this economic slowdown. How a novel virus can affect the entire economy globally. How it can affect your pocket.
You’ll have to prepare yourself financially to deal with this kind of pandemics.
It’s not the first time that the world is suffering from something like this and it’s not even the last time.
I hope you really enjoyed reading this article and found this helpful. Do let me know your thoughts on this. I would love to read your comments and suggestions.
My photography business has been decimated. I have no income and people are finally calling to start booking again, but I’m scared to book people because I don’t want to get sick… It’s like a catch 22. I have spent some time working on my photography website while this has been going on, please let me know what you think…
I just looked at your website and you are doing GREAT!