
Do you need a degree in photography?

A degree in photography is not necessarily required to become a successful photographer. Photography is an art form that has become increasingly popular in recent years. With the rise of social media platforms and the increasing demand for visual content, many people are interested in pursuing a career in photography. However, one of the most […]

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Shutter Speed- Improve Your Photography by effectively using it

creative shots using slow shutter speed

These days every brand is adding different features to make photography easier for beginners. Most of the time photographers use their camera in auto mode because it makes easier for them to capture photos without worrying about anything. But, reliable use of shutter speed can drastically improve your photos. So in this article, I am

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Coronavirus- As a Photographer are you prepared for an economic recession

Coronavirus outbreak

At the beginning of 2020, we all promised to work hard and make things happen this year. Everyone was so excited as if they have seen what’s coming for them. We never know what’s next and still, we procrastinate as if we have seen the future. And today while I am writing this article we

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